Blast from the Past PyGrunners
Arjan Egges – When LLMs work and when they don’t
Edzo Botjes – Securing your team, solution and company to embrace chaos
Vito Minheere – Simplified Efficiency in Python Coding
Iulia Feroli – Harry Potter and the Elastic Python Clients
Erik-Jan Blanksma – Release the KrakenD
Reinout van Rees – Ansible for server automation
Hylke Donker – Mojo: Python 4?
Marijke Luttekes – My path to becoming a Django contributor
Jeroen Stoker – Unifying Django APIs through GraphQL
Andrii Mishkovskyi – Platform Engineering: Python Perspective
Dulaj Disanayaka – StekzVFS – A Distributed Versioning File System
Laurens Weijs – Making a benchmarking system for LLMs
Kees Hink & Coen van der Kamp – Testing Django applications
Bishwas Jha – Sustainable Python Coding: A Holistic Approach
Artur Barseghyan – Writing perfect, testable documentation Restructured Text and Sphinx
Dirk Nederveen – Next level testing
Guus Klinkenberg – Improving Developer Experience and Productivity with Science
Mirko Galimberti – Kivy: Cross-platform App development for Pythonistas
Alex Dijkstra – Descriptors: Decoding the Magic
Roald Nefs – An Introduction to Hardware Hacking using Python
Mike Huls – Args, kwargs, and All Other Ways to Design Your Function Parameters
Kristy Eley – To boldly go where no server has gone before
Klemen Voncina – Let the Bot do the Talking
Sebastián Ramírez (keynote) - FastAPI
Arjan Egges (keynote) - Software design in Python (keynote)
Jelle Klaver & Sven Vintges - Back to the future of software development
Jan Margeta - 3D geometries, mesh processing, and interactive visualizations in Python
Yonatan Alexander - What can big language models do?
Sebastiaan Zeeff - Getting started with security in your code
Ivor Bosloper - FastAPI with Django
Dirk Nederveen - Why can't we deliver this today?
Emil Loer - Bridging the Python and Rust gap, asynchronously
Peter Uittenbroek - Developer happiness
Dulaj Disanayaka - Optimizations for mere mortals
Jan Murre - Your API on the fly!
Jan-Hein Bührman - When and how to refactor your code into generators
Jan Gazda - DIY Jupyter Notebooks in Production
Hylke Donker - JAX and its' ecosystem
JP van Oosten - A Python developer’s guide to ChatGPT
Artur Barseghyan - Testing files like a pro
Òscar Vilaplana - Fast Evolution, Solid Core
Kees Hink - Easy user interaction testing with webtest
Sebastián Ramírez - Q&A with the FastAPI author
Vito Minheere - Error handling is boring but this is the Exception
Mike Huls - Python under the hood: why Python is so slow and how to speed it up
Daan Vielen - The journey of a Django application: from startup to scale up to enterprise
Alexander Solovyov - Frontend for backenders
Charlie X - Blunder: Unraveling catastrophes
Sven Vintges - Strategic DDD for developers
Łukasz Langa (keynote) - Learn pattern matching by writing a game
Alexander Solovyov (keynote) - Make it Work. Fast.
Marijke Luttekes - Setting up new developers for success
Joshua Peper - Building an API with OpenAPI YAML in 10 minutes
Rik Huijzer - Strenghts AND weaknesses of Julia compared to Python
Olga Sentemova - Don't trust your coverage report
Stephen van der Heijden - State of the Nation: Being a developer in NL in '21
Auke Oosterhoff - WebAssembly: How to use it client and server side
Nino van Halem - Explainable AI with Python
Laurens Weijs - MLOps with MLFlow + DVC on Groningen open data
Henk Boelman - Build and deploy PyTorch models with Azure ML
Erik-Jan Blanksma - Digital Elevation Model processing
Hylke Donker - Jumping through hoops to prevent loops
Arne Padmos - Threat Modelling for Pythonistas
Kees Hink - Practical pointers for better code review
Coen van der Kamp - Live blog with Wagtail Live
Mannus Etten - The geospatial powers of a snake
Rudi Niemeijer - Python and Google Blockly for IoT projects
Erwin Staal - Event-driven autoscaling on Kubernetes with KEDA and Azure Functions
Reinout van Rees - Many diverse Python projects in docker
Òscar Vilaplana - Designing for AsyncIO
Mark Boer - TIL about the GIL
Ivor Bosloper - Large scale python satellite image processing
Sybren Jansen - MPIRE: MultiProcessing Is Really Easy
Dom Weldon - Your Call(able): Cool parts of python's callable interface
Sebastiaan Zeeff - The Magic Self: How Python inserts self into methods
Òscar Vilaplana – Advanced Pytest (keynote)
Patrick Vogel & Bogdan – Autom. monitoring & profiling Flask apps
Auke Oosterhoff – Python charges your electric vehicle
Alessio Bogon – File system caching: a backend implementation for dogpile.cache
Gerard Lutterop – Scalable and secure Python REST backends
Miroslav Šedivý – A day has Only 24±1 hours
Do Kester – BayesicFitting. A Toolbox for Bayesian Model Fitting
Teake Nutma – Managing environments and deploys with conda
Rolf Berkenbosch – Python home automation and how to contribute to the community
Ruben Homs – Testing your infrastructure code
Cristian Marocico – Computer vision with Python
Rik Huijzer – Deep learning and natural language processing
Niek Hoekstra & Jean-Paul van Oosten – Lessons from using GraphQL in production
Daniël de Kok – Tensorflow in Rust with a little help from Python
Martin Roelfs – Symbolic Fitting using symfit
Artur Barseghyan – Find your art twin in the Rijksmuseum’s collection
Mark Boer – Embedding the Python interpreter
Daniël de Kok – FinalFusion: Rustic word embeddings for Python
Guus Klinkenberg – What was its type?
Marina Papadopoulou – Disentangling scientific fields with topic analysis in Python
Erik-Jan Blanksma – Data processing and visualisation of tractor data
Jovan Veljanoski – 1 Billion rows, 1 laptop. Serious data science
Thomas Derksen – The applications and implementation of Generative Adversarial Networks
Peter C. Kroon – Python as a scientist’s playground
Reinout van Rees – Cookiecutter: handy project templates
Kees Hink – The tale of Oscar and the API
Marco Vellinga – Creating abstraction between consumer and datastore
German Gomez-Herrero – Polku: Serverless Stream Processing with Python
Laurens Bosscher – Advanced Django Admin
Jaap Bresser – Beyond Role Based Auth: Discretionary Access Control with Postgres & SQLAlchemy
Maarten Brugman – Docker do’s and don’ts
Cees van Wieringen – Django L10N
Kilian Evang – Viasock: Automagically Serverize Your Scripts
Artur Barseghyan & Job Ganzevoort – Django performance unchained
Berco Beute – All you need is less. Rethinking big data
Maarten Breddels – A billion stars in the Jupyter Notebook
Jonathan Barnoud – Looking at molecules using Python
Zakarias Nordfäldt-Laws – HitWizard – Predicting the future Hit Songs
Ede Meijer – Deep learning with TensorFlow
Òscar Vilaplana – Let’s make a GraphQL API in Python
Jos van Bakel – Functional Programming with Elm
Reinout van Rees – Querying Django models: fabulous & fast filtering
Joshua Peper – Find that ? in 10 minutes using Machine Learing
Google – Machine Learning APIs for Python Developers
Lars de Ridder – MicroPython: The Pythonic Internet of Things
Andrii Mishkovskyi – Vacation from Python
Álex González – Python, Kubernetes and friends
Gijs Molenaar – Kliko – Compute Container specification and implementation
Oleg Pidsadnyi – Factory injection: Combining PyTest and Factoryboy
Emil Loer – Extending C programs with PyPy-powered code
Boaz Leskes – Elasticsearch for SQL users
Reinout van Rees – Improve your django admin: big gains with little effort
Bram Noordzij & Bob Voorneveld – Django Channels
Jelle Feringa – PythonOCC & industrial robotics for the building industry
Ben Meijering – Hello, Machine Learning!
Peter Odding & Bart Kroon – Understanding PyPy and using it in production
Hugo Buddelmeijer – The orientation of your DAGs matter!
Daan Vielen – How to survive your fellow team members and managers
Adam Powell & Denis Dallinga – Recommendation systems @ Catawiki
Dmitry Chaplinsky – Python superpowers on civic society’s secret service
K Rain Leander – Build a Simple Cloud with TripleO Quickstart
Bart Wesselink – Processing large quantities of online payments
Jasper Spaans – From code to configuration… and back again
Theo Wouters – How to create an ideal development team
Martijn Faassen – Morepath under the hood (keynote)
Steven Pemberton – The future of programming (keynote)
Pieter Hintjens – ZeroMQ (Keynote)
Thomas Levine – Data acquisition with Vlermv database
Bob Voorneveld – Implement Gmail api in our CRM system
Jens de Smit – IPython and MongoDB as big data scratchpads
Laurence de Jong – Towards a web framework for distributed apps
Niels Hageman – Reliable distributed task scheduling
Saúl Ibarra Corretgé – Python, WebRTC and You
K Rain Leander – Leveraging Procedural Knowledge
Ot de Wiljes – Computational Neuroscience
Henk Doornbos – Contract languages based on Python
Herman Balsters – Python in: Processes, data, contracts
Dorian Hoxha – Creating a high performance server in Python
Berco Beute – Python in a decentralized future
Òscar Vilaplana – Orchestrating Python projects using CoreOS
Reinout van Rees – Regular people behaving like programmers
Ivor Bosloper – GIS in Python. Solutions and architecture trade-offs
Valentin Haenel – Blosc and friends
Emil Loer – Leveraging RPython For Efficient Real-Time Audio Processing
Erik Groeneveld – Generators
Lars de Ridder – Advanced REST API’s (slides)
Sylvain Viollon – Tornado and IO in Python 3
Panel – Web11
Jeff Knupp – Writing idiomatic Python (keynote)
Armin Ronacher – SSL, CAs and keeping your stuff safe
Kenneth Reitz – Documentation is King
Kilian Evang – Produce: Makefiles without the annoying bits
Pawel Lewicki – Sphinx + Robot Framework = documentation as result of functional testing
Rodrigo Bernardo Pimentel – A first look at
Guido Kollerie – Slice & Dice: Data Analysis using Pandas
Erik Romijn – Keeping Django chained: top security concerns for Django websites
Valerio Basile – Bad habits in academic code
Gijs Molenaar – SQLAlchemy and astronomical data
Dmitrijs Milajevs – Python for data scientists
Oscar Vilaplana – Scaling your system
Panel – Dangers of centralization. Options and solutions
Saul Ibarra Corretge – asyncio internals
Avi Flax – The impedance mismatch of web microframeworks
Denis Bilenko – Gevent, threads & async frameworks
Berco Beute – Python friends: CoffeeScript & AngularJS
Job Ganzevoort & Douwe van der Meij – From zero to hero – Professional Django setup, deploy and maintain
Dirk Zittersteyn – Advanced continuous integration
Kenneth Reitz – Growing Open Source Seeds
Henk Doornbos – Processes, Data and the rest
Greg Kowal – Geoprocessing with python
Artur Barseghyan – Modern authentication in Python web applications
Holger Krekel – Re-inventing Python packaging & testing (keynote)
Daniël & Gideon de Kok – What Python can learn from Haskell
Luuk van der Velden – Best practices for the lone coder syndrome
Peter Odding – Reliable deployment of large Python applications
Oscar Vilaplana – Handling massive traffic with Python
Álex González – Python and Scala smoke the peace pipe
Berco Beute – REST API design
Armin Ronacher – A year with MongoDB
Oleg Pidsadnyi – Behaviour driven design with PyTest
Remco Wendt – Component architectures in Python
Mark Vletter – Lean prototyping
Emil Loer – Python raytracing
Douwe van der Meij – MVC revisited with Diazo
Jan-Jaap Driessen – Fan/theme
Gijs Molenaar – LOFAR <3 Python
Alessandro Molina – High Performance Web Applications with Python and TurboGears
Dmitrijs Milajevs – Real Time discussion retrieval from Twitter
Kenneth Reitz – Python for humans
Michael Bayer – SQLAlchemy (keynote)
Bram Noordzij – Amazon Web Services. The good, bad & ugly
Alexandros Kanterakis – PyPedia
Oleg Pidsadnyi – Large number of markers on Google Maps
Emil Loer – Musical Python
Douwe van der Meij – AOP in Python API design
Remco Wendt – Profiling
Miguel Araujo – Django Uni-forms
Henk Doornbos & Berco Beute – Chronic Pythonic
Ivor Bosloper – GeoDjango
Oscar Vilaplana – Tornado in depth
Laurence de Jong – Continuous integration
Alexander Solovyov – Go: Python + /theme typing?
Niels Hageman – Distributed job scheduling
Armin Ronacher – A fresh look at HTTP from Python
Reinout van Rees – Optimize & automate your Python life
Dan Tofan & Spyros Ioakeimidis – Python tools for making architectural decisions
Rick Oost – Generalized traversals
Armin Ronacher – The state of Python and the web (keynote)
Henk Doorbos – Making large, untested code bases testable
Reinout van Rees – Practical project automation
Jobert Abma – The ten commandments of Security
Berco Beute – Growing up Pythonically
Alexander Solovyov – hg and complex development processes
Òscar Vilaplana – ØMQ
Pieter Noordhuis – Redis in practice
Duco Dokter – NLTK: natural language processing with Python
Gideon de Kok & Tom de Vries – Mobile Architectures
Kim Chee Leong – Buildout
Emil Loer – Embeddng Python interpreter in Ruby and vice versa
Rix Groenboom – MijnOverheid: performance testing in practice
Ivan Sagalaev (keynote)
Ivan Metzlar
Erik Huisman & Aldert Greydanus
Michiel Prins & Jobert Abma
Tom de Vries & Gideon de Kok
Oscar Vilaplana
Oleg Pidsadnyi
Merijn Terheggen – Minimal Viable Products
Henk Doornbos – Python and hardware programming
Berco Beute – A Python’s Life?
Bart jan Wesselink – Advanced Payment Routing
Tim Bakker – Green Parking